Released on: May 13, 2008, 6:07 am

Press Release Author: Holyrood Partnership

Industry: Construction

Press Release Summary: A firm which helps businesses successfully deal with major
changes to their workplaces is reshaping its own operation - by launching new
Sustainability Services.
Space Solutions is already one of the most innovative providers of its kind,
operating UK-wide to design, build, fit-out, refurbish and relocate modern and
productive business environments.

Press Release Body: A firm which helps businesses successfully deal with major
changes to their workplaces is reshaping its own operation - by launching new
Sustainability Services.
Space Solutions is already one of the most innovative providers of its kind,
operating UK-wide to design, build, fit-out, refurbish and relocate modern and
productive business environments.
Now firms will be offered expert advice on making their businesses more
energy-efficient and environmentally friendly - with the potential of major cost
savings in return.

Derek Binnie, Director at Space Solutions, which has offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Dundee and Peterborough, said the move is key to the continued growth of
the business, which had turnover in excess of £12 million last year.

He added: "Sustainability has never been higher on the agenda and successful
businesses want to play their part by reducing their carbon footprint. Since we
already assist with managing change in the workplace, we are uniquely placed to help
ensure that this new challenge is also met.

"Not only can we help them make their buildings and operations more energy
efficient, we can do it while helping them save money, increase productivity and
improve staff morale."

The new Sustainability Services, which aim to help firms embrace environmental best
practice without large financial outlay, augment Space Solutions' existing expertise
in creating innovative, attractive and productive workplaces. The Sustainability
team supports and compliments the rest of the professional team of architects,
designers, space planners, relocation specialists, surveyors and project managers.
The new services are led by Architect Stuart Foster, a licensed BREEAM (Building
Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) Assessor, and Environmental
Consultant Rhona Turnbull, a Graduate Member of the Institute of Environmental
Management and Assessment.

Space Solutions will help its clients cut through the jargon and confusion
surrounding sustainability. Stuart believes many firms want to act but fear the
cost, commitment and downtime could damage business.

He said: "Some companies may have already gained advice from government agencies
only for the documents to gather dust on a shelf because they struggle with how to
implement the recommendations and manage long term improvements. We want to strip
away any misconceptions and provide a simple, cost-effective and valuable service."

Stuart added: "Space Solutions offers a complete one-stop service that provides
designs and assessments along with the practical advice, support and implementation
of appropriate recommendations from professionals in this field."

The UK Green Building Council has recently put its support behind BREEAM, which
gives a certified rating of a building based on a credit system to certify that a
building has achieved a specific level of sustainability. It is compulsory for most
public sector projects and is now popular for private and speculative developments.

But businesses do not need to go through a weighty BREEAM assessment to demonstrate
and improve their energy efficiency. Space Solutions also identifies cost savings
and environmentally-friendly measures that can be taken more easily.

An Environmental Opportunities Assessment is a detailed audit that identifies
efficiency improvements in energy, waste and water. The final report details the
current environmental performance of the company and highlights the potential cost
and carbon emission savings that could be made. An additional benefit for businesses
is that Space Solutions can manage and coordinate any improvement works and
undertake an ongoing maintenance programme.

Rhona said: "Many companies don't realise how a range of simple actions will benefit
them and the environment. Reducing the amount of energy a company uses is one of the
fastest, most effective ways for it to save money. A sustainable office interior
uses less energy which, given the continual increase in energy prices, is highly

"The attraction for MDs or finance chiefs is that you don't necessarily need major
alterations to see big differences. Small changes can really make an impact both
financially and in terms of carbon emissions.

"Using less energy helps a company to combat climate change by reducing its carbon
footprint and improve its reputation as a socially responsible business - helping to
attract customers, employees and investors."

And soon businesses that are yet to embrace change will have a legal obligation to
be aware of the efficiency of their buildings. From January 2009, all commercial
buildings in Scotland will require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which
classifies their energy performance and makes recommendations on improvements.
Owners face fines of up to £5,000 if they do not have an EPC.

The new services have already generated a great deal of interest, with companies
keen to find out how Space Solutions can help them reduce their carbon footprint and
realise the benefits of having more sustainable practices.

Issued on behalf of Space Solutions by Holyrood Partnership. Contact Raymond
Notarangelo (0131) 561 2244 or

Web Site:

Contact Details: Issued on behalf of Space Solutions by Holyrood Partnership.
Contact Raymond Notarangelo (0131) 561 2244 or

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